Friday, March 1, 2019

Group Meetings

Hi everyone!

So today, Mrs. Stocklosa put everyone into groups in class to discuss what we have so far with our project. I was giving ideas and people were giving ideas to me. I explained to everyone the plot of the short film and everyone seemed to love it. I asked them what I should do to add more to the story other than just having people texting the whole time on the screen. I was given the idea to include virtual reality to the film. We figured out to have the boy and girl go on a date in a virtual reality world. I know this all sounds kind of like the movie Ready Player One, but instead of creating a whole new world, Jonathan and I would add an effect to the screen that would have the outline of the virtual reality goggles to make it seem like the goggles are on. The shot will be in first person for both people while they are on the date. Mrs. Stocklosa said that she has an extra pair of virtual reality goggles that we could borrow so that helps us out tremendously now because we wouldn't have to go out and buy some. In the group, they also thought that I should include a scene where the boy is out walking in the real world and he's on his phone walking on the sidewalk. The boy and girl walk past one another and don't even notice each other. This shows the audience that there is still a lack of human face to face communication in the world and that everyone is overly obsessed with technology. I have not actually seen Ready Player One so I will get on that very soon!


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