Sunday, February 24, 2019


Hi everyone!

So the genre my partner and I chose is Drama/Mystery with Sci-Fi elements. According to IMDb, a Drama should contain numerous consecutive scenes of characters portrayed to effect a serious narrative throughout the title. This can be exaggerated upon to produce melodrama. Subjective. And a  Mystery should contain numerous inter-related scenes of one or more characters endeavoring to widen their knowledge of anything pertaining to themselves or others. Usually, but not always associated with crime.

Movies that have this type of genre are, Interstellar, Sicario, and Black Swan. The reason we chose this genre is because we want to make a film that keeps the audience on the edge of there seats. The plot we have come up with so far is basically a male character in his room on his phone texting a girl and attempting to ask her out. The dialogue of the film will be primarily through texting showing how people nowadays struggle to have face to face conversations. My partner and I will continue to develop the plot.

Until next time,

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Welcome to my blog!

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog!
My name is Michael Tuaty. I am in Aice Media studies A level and I will be blogging my journey through the creation of my short film for my final portfolio project. My partner is Jonathan Galante. We have been friends for years now and we agreed to work together because we believed that we have great chemistry and can make a fantastic piece.

More about me!
I will be studying this fall at the University of Indiana. I am hoping to major in film production as I hope to achieve my goal as being a movie producer one day. I love to watch movies and discussing them with my friends and family. I also love to watch sports and hanging out with my friends. Some of my favorite movies are The Dark Knight,  Inception,  and Interstellar, Both filmed by Christopher Nolan. As you can tell, My favorite director is Christopher Nolan.

I cannot wait to start this wonderful project and have you guys be right there with me.